7th Annual Asthma Meeting


الملتقى السنوي السابع لمرض الربو


This meeting is conducted in concurrence with World Asthma Day


May 6th & 7th, 2008

29th Rabia Al Thani – 1st Jumada Alawal 1429


 Arabic summary of the program
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جامعة الملك سعود بن عبد العزيز للعلوم الصحية

مدينة الملك عبد العزيز الطبية


بالتعاون مع

الجمعية السعودية لطب وجراحة الصدر



To promote Asthma Awareness for health care workers, present updated knowledge of recent treatments and guidelines, and promote research in the fields related to Asthma.



Educational Objectives


At the conclusion of the annual asthma meeting, attendees are expected to:


·         Understand the definition and epidemiology of asthma.

·         Describe the clinical presentation of Asthma.

·         Discuss the role of various indoor allergens causing health effects.

·         Integrate the new asthma guidelines into their current practice.

·         Describe the role of airway inflammation in the genesis of asthma.

·         Discuss the use of immunotherapy.

·         Describe management of patients with severe asthma who fail to respond to conventional treatment.

·         Discuss the connection between the nose and lung when managing asthma.

·         Consider pharmacoeconomic factors when determining the most effective management for patients with asthma.


Target Audience:


This meeting is conducted annually and intended for physicians working in Pulmonary Medicine, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Emergency Medicine.  It is intended too for Pharmacist, Respiratory Therapist, Nurses, Health Educators, and interested Health Care Workers.




The meeting is accredited with 18 CME hours from the Saudi Council for Health Specialties.




Officers Club, National Guard Health Affairs

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia